Hout Bay, a Vorort von Kapstadt. South Africa comes to an old Quadrat kilometer, here it is rich white, but there are no bitterarmen schwarzen Menschen. Offizielle Einwohnerzahl: 17,900 laut letzter Zählung for 13 years. In the Township of Imizamo Yethu, in Mandela Park, there are 35,000 people living illegally, but there are only 50,000 of them. You can live in an unsafe situation here, Hunger, hausen in Wellblechhütten lead to catastrophic hygienic beds. Dutzende Familien must have toilets. If it rains, fly through the huts. It is slightly higher in the Kap region.
We meet Elke Zwicker at the Parkplatz of the Silikamwa Highschool, located right next to the Township. Elke (76), a native Schweizer, has lived for 17 years with ihrem Mann Hansruedi in Kapstadt. If you warm it up, win a success and provide a brain project from the Kindertagesstätte Little Lambs (Little Lämmer). On the other hand, with electric power under Zäune, a man becomes a leader in South Africa. On the way to the end of every spark, vandalism, who has done long ago, here is a greater certainty about his life.
This is the last tag for the bigger holiday, a bigger tag for the 256 children in the age range 1 to 6, who are here now. All groups were used to, they sang, said something, it was in those years that they had an unrequited fröhlichkeit, which would work as quickly as possible. And then the great Mittagessen. Anpacken ist angesagt, Stühle, Tische sparrows brought into the Garden, the smallest and their place were gelled. Das Essen is a year later, it was Kinderaugen nor Strahlen Lässt anymore, where the children are now on the Plan, it is the following: Hühnchen, Pommes, Eis. A stunde später has a beautiful, sticky hand, opens the window and brings the children’s weeder into his room. Time of the Mittagsruhe.
If Blumen buy wool, see a Child, that’s Matsch aß
For a time, more than the Little Lambs and the Kinderhilfe Kapstadt are erafahren. Dazu meets with Marlis Schaper, Ex-Model and Unternehmerin, the jewels of the summer on Sylt and the German Winter during the summer Kapstadt working period. “It is war in September 2001, the first Monday, it is what you have done,” reportset that “if Blumen wollen wollen and for a kindergarten is a small child, das Matsch aß. I war and bin sofort in the purposeful gesture. Sincerely my husband, who is from 60 to 80 years old, children are happy today, but they are still alive.” For a European Union that is fast unpredictable, since Marlis is not ready, it is easy to understand, also available, buy Obst, Gemüse, Reis, damn the kids are gone ass. If you don’t go any further, the German community in Kapstadt becomes active, together with Spenden. If you’re a kid in the Township, you can see this.
Is your villa now a few minutes away from Imizamo Yethu, Luxus and Elend, who is your sister over? “Natural war is completely shocked the first time, when people’s living standards are, the Wellblechhütten, the fehlenden sanitary facilities, and the small children, who zum Großteil zelbst überlassen is and live in the street,” he said. But der Schock währte nur kurz. “I had a soft feeling. Jeden Tag eingekauft, das Essen den Kindern brought. Im Prinzip, was wir heute machen, now the project has become bigger …” Fell bigger. Wenn man Marlis lives, glaubt man never dies. An energy flow has been created, which lasts for 85 years, but people will probably glaub.
Kinderhilfe schafft Arbeitsplätze für Frauen
Marlis and Elke made money in 2008 because they were a team, that stood out. Marlis mit ihrer Power, ihren durchhaus glamorösen Charity-Veranstaltungen (“Bettelnkracht mir nichts aus. Und ich weiß, ich won the money for the children, bisher has immer clapped”) and Elke, die Organisatorin, die in sich ruht, Verhandlungen with Behörden führt, de komplette Administration In general, messages and sponsors cried and fell more.
With the years that the Kinderhilfe Kapstadt Trust, a foundation with clairvoyance, can become an environment for a happier and safer Kindheit. “We often use township children to ensure efficient care in the English language, ensure proper hygiene,” says Elke. „Zudem kosten wir Arbeitsplätze für Frauen. They will deal with the spiral of the arm over time.”
Hunger, Gewalt, Missbrauch, Drogen bleiben vor
This small project was built into a Kita with its own Playground, in which 310 children were welcomed. Hunger, Gewalt, Missbrauch, Drying, Alcohol blew out here. The 24 celebrations are intended for large women. The erzieherinnen were reinforced as standard. If you do this, play child’s play and learn to do it again. Gerade among the smallest, the heart of the Eltern vernachlässigt since, a swinging Aufgabe. During the 5th and 6th centuries, the Western Cape government had to take over the Western Cape ministerial positions.
Was blieben ist, dat is gesunde Essen. Two Mahlzeiten am Tag with frischem Gemüse, Obst and Joghurt. But für Fleisch fehlt is een Geld. There is a strong foundation for health care, maintenance, material and support, since the Little Lambs are born with children’s aids at a height of 30,000 euros. If the low price has not yet been reached, the state guarantee can be granted, but it amounts to 30% of the subsidies. “If you have lost 15,000 euros, you can now spend money on some snacks.”
Kinderhilfe Kapstadt
Auch Schulkinder sollen nicht auf der Straße life
For Marlis and Elke there is no shortage of resources. If you are a child of Augen, the children of the townships start with a friendly life, a way out, while the image comes out of the township. One of the ways in which the involvement occurs is no longer an option for expenses and children, but the debts may not be that great, but the little lamb children could find their new way. “Our children were taken with their hands,” says Elke. Damit dies late for the little Lämmer bleibt, spricht Elke sogleich von ihrem nachsten Project: Nachmittagsbetreuung for the Schulkinder.
“It cannot be that the children die in seven years when they arrive at the school, on the street,” said Elke. I also conducted a new financial study, which cost approximately 400,000 euros for the students who go directly to kindergarten. Seit Mai sind dort mittlerweile 65 Schulkinder in der Nachmittagsbetreuung. “Our Soul is es, with the Little Lambs the child of one of the years they will commit themselves dies.” An ambitious project, the state support is for the debt project first in the first years that there would be a few years of fighting and many others could earn a betting money.
Jeden Tag is every step we take and that spends the expenses of the Kinderhilfe Kapstadt, which we will use. If you are a little, if you have the Little-Lambs-Kita and the Nachmittagsbetreuung of the Schüler, get started with the Stiftung, nor in the fun of new projects for children and youth education in the Armenia.
“Wir construction, development, care and support, our children and people are in a loving, caring and caring environment with a healthy living environment in the modern world,” said Elke.
“Hey,” a smaller youth shouts and beams, his winning hand raised high-five. When there is a schlage, you can hang out with your Gruppenzimmer, while most little ones lie and schlafen on their Matratzen. Friedlich and certainly.
If you can no longer use the Kinderhilfe Kapstadt, you will find the Kontoverbindung. Your expenses are from the Steuer absetzbar.
Dietrich F. Liedelt Stiftung, Hypo Vereinsbank (Hamburg); IBAN: DE04 2003 0000 0602 0695 44;
BIC: HYVEDEMM300, Verwendungszweck: Kinderhilfe-Kapstadt ■