Igor Kirillow: Getöteter Putin General said to Tod

Igor Kirillow, Vladimir Putin’s Atomwaffen general, will be bombed. A message that the war itself of the Putin official said Lage bewusst. There is a way in which Tod von een Jagd gegen sich spprochen.

  • Bomb attack on Putin General Igor Kirillow
  • Getöteter Putin general said Tod was voraus
  • Kirillow works with secret labor

Nach the bombing of Putin General Igor Kirillow here again Uncertainty about the aspects of the relationship between the Tat. Kirillow War Wladimir Putins Chef of the Russian Truppen with Schutz for atomic, biological and chemical Waffen. There are sisters with their adjutants in front of their home in Moscow with a Sprengsatz getötet. Russian orders are carried out by a Ukrainian secret service, official spending from the Kiew company is no longer possible. Mittlerweile wurden zwei Verdächtige verhaftet.

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Getöteter Putin General Igor Kirillow is on the Abschussliste

Whoever Sergei Sitnikow, Governor of the Russian region of Kostroma, has acknowledged after the Telegram Channels “Baza”, will see Kirillow of the Gefahren blessinger Position during the best known signal. Demnach has wusst the general, it is a “an abschusslist” and it is a fact that a “Jagd” has started starting it.

Kirillow works with Verbindungen zu Secret Biological Labors

Demnach soll Sitnikow erklärt haben:

  • “For the last time, (Kirillow, Ed.) there is no reason to wait until the end of the day, since it has started. It is difficult to find out what information is available and information about the secret biological laboratories is covered by the territory of Ukraine.”

Stinikov continued, while Kirillov was at war, his military power and his army in battle with a blazing flame system of the “Gnern” Russia “didn’t go unnoticed”.

PHOTO STACK: Wladimir Putin: Medwedew, Solowjow, Lawrow: That is Putin’s Power Circle

Wladimir Putin took office as Russian president in 2024. (Photo)Bild: photo alliance/dpa/Pool Sputnik Kremlin/AP | Vladimir Smirnov

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