New study said: Abnehmspritze can mach blind!

When the disease started, regular sailing began. New studies have more possibilities and possibilities for convincing the Fett-weg-Spritzen.

Those sogenants Abnehmspritzen Ozempic, Wegovy & Co. takes longer to cure – it’s a lifestyle phenomenon. You can treat your diabetes, lose your weight, get a downright hype and buy the must-haves in Saxony’s body optimization.

But the tree has major damage: the wiring of the center has never been so complete, and there are more potential changes in the light. So messages Frauen von unplanted Schwangerschaften worth the Einnahme, worth the Männer über Erektionsstörungen complain. Jetzt took care of all Ozempic from Novo Nordisk erneut voor Aufsehen: An active study brought the diabetes drug with a high risk for a seltene and severity Augenerkrankung in Verbindung.

Ozempic kann zu Verlust führen

The study, which followed patients from Denmark and Norway, says that Ozempic-Nutzer: I am more so high in the Erkrankung of NAION leading patients, that other diabetes medications einnehmen. NAION specializes in “non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy”. If you act as one of the consequences of a breakdown, an irreversible problem may occur. The device is not cooled for more than 50 years.

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New study said: Abnehmspritze can mach blind!

Who is the Risiko-wirklich?

Die good Nachricht: Das Risiko bleibt insgesamt light. Laut der am 11. Dezember auf der Platform medRxiv veröffentlingen Studie gab es nur 1,4 zuätzliche Fälle von NAION pro 10,000 Patient:innenjahre bij Ozempic-Nutzer:innen in Vergleich zu others Medikamenten. A 20-year high temperature carries a risk of 0.3 to 0.5%. Dennoch is the seriousness of seriousness, it is not good.

The experience of the study looks like an ozompic. If the weight reduction level is shifted, the result may be that there is no end to the end of the period, your data has appeared earlier.

Novo Nordisk, der Hersteller von Ozempic, wiggles ab. If you notice a problem, you will not be able to perform the analysis of your Sorge. In the doctors’ clinical study, a fall of NAION would now occur, and there will be “no Hinweise, which will spread the drug.”

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New study said: Abnehmspritze can mach blind!

If you have been warned, the risks are weighed. Semaglutid, der Wirkstoff in Ozempic und Wegovy, gilded weiterhin als Durchbruch in de Behandlung von Diabetes und Fettleibigkeit. The study authors show: “The therapeutic potential exceeds the very small risk of NAION.”

Bereits in July had a smaller Harvard Study that was aware of the risks. The previous Untersuchung is jedoch deutlich umfangreicher: 44,000 Ozempic-Nutzer:innen in Denmark and 16,000 in Norway were analyzed and submitted 32 Fälle von NAION documentation.


If the risks, through the Ozempic or the Wegovy a NAION in the rankings, are small, it will no longer be possible. Patient: If you are ill, please look at: Bei first Anzeichen von plötzlichem Sehverlust ist sofort ärztlicher Rat einzuholen.