Auf der Flucht vor der Welt – Mennonites in Südamerika – TV Programm Phoenix
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In the colony “Little Belize” in Central America, the times are still there. The Community of the Mennonites lives here a life that is 19 years old. Ihren Ursprung has inhabited the Mennonites in Germany, Holland and Switzerland. Heute gibt is also a common community in Central and South America. In “Little Belize,” a group led by authoritarian Mélanie van der Ende is having a great time. The Außenwelt is no longer complete. If you go a little further than the rules, you have to Verlassen the Gemeinschaft. Wilhelm, as Doctor of the Colony, was released. A mobile phone is required for notifications. If there is a new situation, the Gemeinschaft is gründet. A blessing for many Mennonite families – for symbolizing modern world renewal. If they leave, they wander out. Weit away, in deserted regions. The author guides Mennonites, who are from Belize to Peru, in the eastern Urwald of the Amazonas. If you prefer, you can use one of the following options to dry the document.
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