15 cool Christmas gifts for Potterheads

Verena Elson

Don’t have a Christmas gift for a Potterhead yet? If you have created a gift idea during the Harry Potter World, you can bring the real fans to Strahlen.

Harry Potter Gift has fans in the children’s and adult world: Viele, who with the Magic School Harry Potter, got his fascination for the magical world from the Hogwarts School for Hexerei and Magic and his childhood. Ob Gesellschaftsspiel, Fanarticle with Hauswappen from one of Hogwarts-Häuser or Requirements for setting and setting the time: The best gifts for Harry Potter fans are the best gifts they can imagine, but they can get a magical world of a lifetime.

15 Harry Potter Gifts for True Fans

For children, teenagers or adults: with the gift idea aimed at Harry Potter fans:

1. Harry Potter Zauberstab

“Lumos!” Every Harry Potter fan knows the Zauberspruch: There is no longer any mention of the Spitze des Zauberstabs that provide relief and light in the following image. Mit diesem Zauberstab Could the Beschenkten equip the Zauberspruch themselves – a LED lamp brings the Spitze to the air button. You can see Harry’s Magicians, best friends Ron Weasley and Hermine Granger will take out the credible Schuleisers Professor Dumbledore.

2. UNO “Harry Potter”

It’s dying for little fans Harry Potter variant of the credible UNO card games a great gift idea. Statt gleiche Zahlen, gleiche Harry Potter figures were placed here. Another action card for this playing variant: the Speaking Hut!

3. Harry-Potter-Notizbuch with Hauswappen

With this gift voucher for all Harry Potter fans in the teenage years: a great achievement Notizbuchin the Gryffindor-Farben content and with a Gryffindor-Wappen as Verschluss. The Gryffindor House keeps track of Harry and his best friends Ron and Hermine – you can follow the notifications of others on Hogwarts House Slytherin, Hufflepuff Oder Ravenclaw whählen.

4. Unnützes Erasing for Potter Fans

Dies Buch real experts: the Potter version of the Beschenkten: Geklärt would be here, among other things, where Harry’s Lehrerin Professor McGonagall is a Hutclipmer and a war with the Zauberer-Familie Weasley in a made-up Ford Anglia during the Weltgeschichte flight. There are also witty anecdotes from the production of films, which are played by electronic furzkissen and Läuseausbrüche am Set, are not included in the description.

5. Hagrid’s hut in the terrarium

It is a beautiful moment in Potter history, when Harry, Ron and Hermine welcome the Hogwarts wild Hagrid into their hut – the friendly Halbriesen with a fable for magical creatures and monsters of all kinds. Mit diesem Bausatz small and large Potterheads Hagrid’s hourly Hütte from plaster construction and animals – the back of them is flat in the mini terrarium, then mounted together with the machine gun.

6. “Bertie Botts Bohnen”

This little gift is a white gift for several Harry Potter Fans: Die “Bertie Botts Bohnen” It is normal that there is a normal power supply with Kirsche and Banana, but also with wider variations such as Eier, Ohrenschmalz and Erbrochenes. If we look at the original version of the text: Anhand der Farben is the end of the identification, but an error has been made. The big risks and the big problems are no longer true, but with verbunden it may be that a Riesengag goes on your other party, but it is now a matter of mutige.

7. Harry Potter Game “Wettstreit um den Hauspokal”

Jetzt is a mitten rein in the Alltag of young Hexen and Zauberer: Der “Wettstreit um den Hauspokal” is an all-year-old Hogwarts attraction. This debtor can put the shoes of the four Häuser punks together – and much more. With these gifts you can tell fans of the legal game – about the game of games that are not so good to play in Potterverse.

8. Marauder Tasse

Viele Potterheads learn and learn the history of English – this is one thing for these fans Bag in Silence of the Marauder’s Map (Karte des Rumtreibers) a white gift idea. Aktiviert durch eine Berührung mit dem Zauberstab und den Spruch “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good” (I am very good at it, that is my Tunichtgut bin!), that card offends all those who come to Hogwarts Gebäude. If this bag is a design, if you make a good choice, and the choice from the card of the room is erscheint.

9. Action karting game “Fang den Goldenen Schnatz”

Diessen Family card game is perfect for little Harry Potter fans, the fast action films. Zum Gewinnen is a man with a high level of conzentriert and quick signals – who is a real Quidditch player. Believing that Zauberersport Harry played in der Position des Suchers. And if you play the game: if you play the cards, go for the “golden schnatz” – a golden ball wins Spielfeld’s flight. One of the other decorative elements that the Hubsche Quidditch-Box contains in the playing field is great.

10. Harry Potter Koch and Backbuch

Essential story about a major role in Harry Potter history: When I am in the great Hogwarts Speisesaal, the magical art itself is at work with all kinds of art, and for the young Hexen and Zauberer alle Abenteuer von Quidditch-Turnieren bis zu Kämpfen gegen böse Zaubermächte bond kurze Zeit vergesen – dann heißt es schlemmen. With dem Harry Potter Koch and Backbuch Ultimately, fans will have a bit of a sweet tooth with Harry, in Hagrid’s Felsenkekse or a warm Butterbeer drink.

11. Hogwarts Letter Set

Brief writing is out? Vielleicht bei Muggeln (People without magical strength). In the World of Hexes and Magicians there are no smartphones – we received letters and letters by Eulenpost. With dem Hogwarts Letter Set The gifts of silent briefcases with Hogwarts-Wappen and Wachssiegel-Aufkleber could be available.

12. Harry Potter Pen Set

Nor besser schreibt sich so a short with a peinem Kugelschreiber in Zauberstab-Design of einem Bleistift in Form eines Nimbus 2000, Harrys erstem Besen, auf dem is während der Quidditch-Spiele the goldenen Schnatz hunt. Diessen Harry Potter Pen Set is perfect if you have a little something for a Harry Potter fan.

13. Kampf um Hogwarts – Harry-Potter-Spiel cooperatives

Harry and his friends besieged the Harry Potter castles in Bösewicht. If all goes well, talented Hexes and Zauberers are here to stay, we are like Freunde felsenfest together. A team spirit is a solution to the cooperative Brettspiel “Kampf um Hogwarts” fragmented. The Mitspieler: erleben in de Einzelspiel Harry’s sieben Hogwarts-Schuljahre und schlüpfen dabei in de Rolen von Harry, Hermine, Ron und Neville Longbottom, dem tollpatschigen, aber loyale Freund der threei. Nun gilded, common magical properties of long, connected people will gain, they will be able to gain access to the magical powers – and they will return to Hogwarts.

14. Gringotts Bank Spardose

Hexen und Zauberer expect money in a Magic Bank with Gringotts – an impressive magical Gebäude with unterirdischen Money-Lossen, which could be completely destroyed by Fackeln beleuchtete Stollen erreicht. With dieser Sparing dose Können a “Mosquito” in your money in the Gringotts Bank, and get a new gift Deko-Element for your collection.

15. Hermines Zeitumkehrer

Ein Zeitumkehrer power Hexen and Zauberern still was possible, I was able to enjoy our “Muggeln” but also wish to do so: They could do so at that time. Jede from the small stundenglases is once making a stunde and doing the last things, it is a tragedy of Hals, that time has never been like this. Hermine uses this technology, one more Fächer in his Stundenplan would earn his money – and schließlich, um with Harry sister two lives zu retten. Kein Wunder, dass der Zeitumkehrer a credible Sammlerstück for Potterheads is one of the most popular Schmuckstück products. Auch Hermine-Darstellerin Emma Watson once looked at the house – and the original set from the set, it is worth starting with the courage.

Gift ideas with Harry Potter from Lego

Many young and old Harry Potter fans have explored the world of books and the little ones themselves with Lego bricks. Follow Bausets lassen Fanherzen höherschlagen:

Bausets for Hogwarts Lower Room

The Alltag of the Nachwuchsexen en -zauberer in Hogwarts bestimmen verschiedene Unterrichtsfächer – denn Zaubersprüche directly anzuwenden, the same Zaubertränke zu brauen and Gegenstände zu walked. Diese Lego Reihe beinhaltet verschiedene Klassenräume with the dazugehörigen Lehrkräften. Das Besondere: Zugeklappt hat jedes Bauset das Format and design are books – it is not that easy to do something or record it in the accounts. You can use “Kräuterkundeunterricht” (with Professor Sprout), “Verwandlungsunterricht” (with Professor McGonagall), “Zauberkunstunterricht” (with Professor Flitwick) and “Zaubertrankunterricht” (with Professor Snape). In your life, set your own Schüler: in between.

Raum der Wünsche

Mit that Bauset Fans of the Raum der Wünsche nachbauen – dieser magical Ort at Hogwarts-Schloss now, wenn ihn yourmand urgent braucht. It was played before I played the Harry Potter part (“Harry Potter and the Orden des Phönix”) as a training ground for the “Dumbledores Armee”. So if a Secret Group emerges from Hogwarts Schüler and dies under Harry’s Anleitung training, the Magician will learn their secrets.

Besuch in Hogsmeade

If the high points of the debt for all Hexes and Zauberer are at the last Hogwarts years which take place in the Zaubererdorf Hogsmeade, this is a festive terminen that lasts a long time. The great Ansturm-gibt is a way to use the best goods drawers and the pub “Die Drei Besen”, where Butterbier trinken and the wonderful magical figures of the bestaunen-gibt. Both Gebäude could be combined diesem Set some authentic details could come from the books and movies.

Gifts for Harry Potter Fans after another view

You can change the best gifts for Harry Potter fans – for smaller children, a card game or a reenactment game; for older children and children it is a more complicated Brettspiele. The Harry Potter Gift can be thematically appropriate Glückwunschkarte very good – then you can be guaranteed that you are getting a real fan for a lighter power supply.

Do you still have a gift idea for teenagers or gifts for a gift? If you have an idea for your sister ammengestellt. Many gifts for children aged 10 and over have been found at ELTERN. In our Harry Potter character test you can find heraus, although Harry Potter figures are the most personal character description.

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