«It is the right time point»: The Kreislaufwirtschaft for the textile industry would work in the East German economy
«We are wearing textiles with great moisture.» That’s Sven Kannler, Gründer des St.Galler Start-ups Luuup. There will die Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Textilbranche voranbringen. Zumrichtige Zeitpunkt: A large recycling chain is opened in St. Margrethen, among the first textile markets to create a recycling facility.
Kale sollen nicht mehr nur tragbare Kleider were sammelt. Tell-Tex plans an Anlage for the Recycling of Textiles.
“You’re good to go, you’re good to the climate, if you don’t fly,” said Sven Kannler. «The power that lies in the relationship between the use of a textile and its use cannot be changed». Ein Kilo Stoff verursacht CO2-Emission of 25 kilograms. The global textile industry strives to use more Treibhausgase as the Flug and Transport industries together, right of the HSG-Dozent vor.
And the industry produces part of the Müllhalde. «We were able to make a difference in Müll,» says Kannler. Pro Jahr back welding Schweizerinnen and Schweizer 13 Kilogramm and textile Müll. An Abfallberg von bald 100,000 tons in one year. There is a part of the day where 30 percent of it is worth it, but we can still buy more products. “For so long, it was how fun it was to work with the material,” Kannler said. If you’ve been wearing jeans, these are a good choice – and land in a drop pocket. “The Recycling Quote yields a value of 1 Prozent.”
Neu ist noch zu fair
Sven Kannler, HSG-Dozent and Mitgründer des Kreislaufwirrtschafts-Start-ups Luuup.
Kein Wunder. The Kreislaufwirtschaft in the textile sector is not in its infancy. Aus einem einfachen Grund, said Kannler. “If my leader is in a house yard, the material is a few Franks.” If you work together, sort and what you’re looking for, it’s a good idea.
This company will be started with the St.Galler Start-up Luuup. The Kreislaufwirtschaft has no economic potential whatsoever. If a repairer sees the impact of polyester on the regional recycling market in Bangladesh, he has an economic advantage. “I am currently planning to purchase the product so that I can purchase it.” Since the Kreislauf has a very functional function, it may be that the process is carried out – angefangen at Design. “Man can no longer produce a sports jacket that is the best from eight different plastics – man can now stand in the Müll yard.”
Tell-Tex invests in St.Margrethen
Today, in Switzerland, the Bausteine was a private local business community. In St. Margrethen, the Aargauer Tell-Tex has started a new art with the Bau. Here the Alttextiles are made of no textile material, such as clothing or labels that are used and sorted. Then the textiles were cut into square fabrics and processed in phases. “So look up the material in terms of production and quality of textile repair,” said Tell-Tex CEO Ercüment Yildirim. The on-site machines are broken, it is dangerous to redistribute a waste product and launch the recycling process at alttextiles from schliessen, teilt das unternehmen mit.
Die Anlage zum Sortieren und Wiederaufbereiten von Altkleidern soll 2026 in Betrieb gehen.
As we go down into history, in the Tell-Tex beef of 40 million Francs investors, there is no other Baumwollk leader in the new new machine, which falls under the textile waste from industry and industry. Damit schliesse das Werk, das 2026 in Betrieb gehen soll, eine wichtige Lücke, sagt Nina Bachmann, Nachhaltigkeitsverantwortliche at Branchenverband Swiss Textiles.
Denn dieses Material wird heute ga nicht gesammelt. Other people who own Tell-Tex or Tex Aid are the Gemeinden Konzessionsgebühren, an Altkleider zu samemmeln – möglichst Kleider, who sell themselves on the Secondhand-Markt wieder. Kaputte Kleider, Bettwäsche, Arbeitskleider or textile Abfälle from the Industry bleiben aussen vor. Often material is used for the Faser-zu-Faser-Recycling, but it is still not in the Müll-land, like Bachmann.
Gebuhr wie bij PET bottles
“Gleichzeitig wollen would Marken mit Recycling phasern beiten, but it is a great effort,” said Bachmann. Höchste Zeit too, this is a Recycling-Kreislauf in Gang kommt. A technological development may take some time – automatic sorting of textiles according to the way they are processed. “It is the right time point,” said this.
Nina Bachmann is a member of the Branchenverband Swiss Textiles for the responsibility and chairman of the Vereins Fabric Loop.
Was noch fehlt, ist Geld. Do it here, it’s a loss ab. Under the names Fabric Loop are the Unternehmen Calida, Mammut, Odlo, PKZ, Radys, Switcher and Workfashion with the Unterstützung from Swiss Textiles with a few similar designs. The woolen fabric that is processed allows for recycling on textile products. Dieser soll den Aufbau von Sammel- und Recyclingstrukturen finances. Vorbild is the PET recycling, while the only solution is gold plating. With feedback: Heute wird 90 Prozent dieses Kunststoffs rezykliert.
Damit das bei Textilien funktioniert, sollen die Inverkehrbringer, als Marken und Händler, Verantwortung übernehmen, sagt Bachmann. This bestimmen schliesslich, was the Lovers in all world production. «Financial considerations must be given to the Australian support platforms for Temu and Shein.» Bachmann, Präsidentin des Vereins Fabric Loop, is clear that this functionality is possible. The EU is on the road. “Holland and France have developed a system that is single-minded. And these are now pushing the online platforms. From 2026 it will apply to the entire EU.” It is worth making the supplier bare anyway with recycling by using other parts – and with the fragmentation, how your product circulation is more efficient.
Auch für Kleider soll kaal een Recyclinggebühr wie bei PET eingeführt.
Luuup plans its own Anlage
Auch Sven Kannler will vorwärtsmachen. It is possible to create a student impact. Before this management study, at the University of St. Gallen, reveals a project, the project is a premiere. “We have recently started studying studies from ETH Zurich together,” says project partner Sebastian Rosatzin. It is a economic and technical Fragen. “We are looking for different materials and who are interested in recycling,” said Rosatzin: Where would the Baumwol-Loder Polyester phase come back? Was it worth it to machen? “Soul is one of the most important things that a problem brings.”
Kannler streckt seine Fühler aber schon weiter aus. “We are looking for solutions for the production of a single structure, which can be used to process 2700 tons of polyester textiles in new phases.” That is since beef 90 Schiffscontainer full Kleider. Allerdingen: Please note that there is a problem if you encounter a polyester. Deshalb started the recycling of recycling buildings – one of the new Sammelstrukturen that was implemented.
Luuup can come up with an idea for another story. “Beim Baumwollrecycling starts with removing waste, that is the profit that does not produce any profit,” Kannler said. This process can be carried out with a new process. “They can be made with cardboard with a biologically sloping plastic material, which can also be used to handle repairs and welds.” If your industry has a problem, this isn’t the case. «Aber im Labor klapt’s.»
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