Ukraine: Selenskyj for Heroes of Mariupol

Selenskyj has first experiences with the Gebietsabtretungen. The Ukrainian president has revived the army. All information on news blog.

2.56 pm: Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has had a Freitag who newly appointed posts in the Ukrainian army. Whoever writes the mirror, Mychajlo Drapatyj takes over the leadership of the Landstreitkräfte – and becomes a powerful man of the Armed Forces.

Drapatyi who shows the mirror in Ukraine the Ruf once Heroes and so to the Soldiers. Grund für diesen Spitznamen dürfte auch auch ein Video in dem Jahr 2014 sein, in dem zhehen ist, who brings an armor through a Reifenbarrikade – the one with the Generalmajor am Steuer.

That is why the unterlegene Ukrainian Militär had lost Donezk and Luhansk in 2014 – Mariupol could become content aber bis Anfang 2022. Selenskyj lobbed Drapatyj for the Merit after the Russian Einmarsch 2022.

3.20: North Korea has given Kim Jong-un, Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Beloussov, the opportunity to expand negotiations in the Krieg to Ukraine. In the Western United States, Ukraine’s long struggle in Russian territory has been thwarted and a “direct military intervention in the conflict” has become a dangerous force, where Kim is part of North Korean state media.

Russia has been given the “Right to Self-Advertisement”, says Kim Demnach. The North Korean government, the army and the people are working “to undermine the policy of the Russian Federation for the Defense of Souveränität and Territorial Integrity to combat the hegemony of the imperialists”.

3 hours: The Ukrainian Botschafter Oleksii Makeiev would have the Russian Angriffskrieg as Theme in the Bundestagswahlkampf, warn for a short time that we will see the line for the Unterstützung of the Landes. “Das Handeln is heute wie not gefragt. und dat erwarte ich von demokratische parties in diesem Wahlkampf”, said er in an interview with the German press agent. “If it is right, it is wrong, the rotten line is a hermione and not for the enemy and for the aggressor.”

Ensure that Ukraine gets a loan in the Abwehrkampf against Russia. “All descriptions that have been written for three years already must have been completed,” he said. “Russia would not have stopped using the diplomatic service or diplomacy.”

10.34 pm: The Russian leader Wladimir Putin has been offended by the umbrella organization with a general’s approach. Rustam Muradow has sent a message to the Russian commander of the Bodentruppen about the Russian “Insider”. Muradow war is the first chief of the military forces. There is a lot of criticism in the criticism, but there are many offers in the fight with a Wuhledar-führte, in addition to a huge Russian delight. A message would then appear. Russian Militärblogger criticizes the general and the roads are final in the planning of einsätzen. The Kreml has not found the best solution. Muradow has a legacy of survival in Syria.

8:37 PM: Roads of the Russian forms in the Ostukraine that the Kiewer Oberkommando reserves and the other supporting front abschnitte Pokrowsk and Kurachowe shifts. As part of the Oberbefehlshaber of the Ukrainian Streitkräfte, Olexander Syrskyj, on Facebook with. Seeing the fresh Truppen with sister ammunition and Waffen ausgestattet, we are sad. It’s a good idea, the plans of the people who do this, “weit über diese frontabschnitte hinausgehen”.