Mega-overraschung for Deutschen Serienpreis

In Baden-Baden the German Series Prize 2024 was announced. The unwanted and changed RTL series Angemessen Angry wins the top prize in television.

In an exciting race for the German Serienpreis 2024, you will be able to enjoy your time together RTL+-Production Angemessen Angry von Showrunner Elsa van Damke against Those Zweiflers, Nackt über Berlin, The Upir and Zeit Verbrechen at the TeleVisionale while cooking. The Prize for the Best Series Films 2024 went a “Das zweigen der Esel“. „I am! Margot Friedlander“wont den 3SatPublikumspreis and the MFG star receive a “Milch ins Feuer“.

On television, all nominated series of one episode – the pilot episode – were published before the publication on the large Leinwand in the Kurhaus and carried out directly in one of the discussions with the jury and the expected series discussion. I’m looking forward to the Film and Series Festival in Dezember in Weimar.

The Jury Begründung for the Deutschen Serienpreis and „Angemessen Angry“:

There are a few things you can do: This issue deals with a particular issue. A Superheroine, his own story is new. If you see a series, it is a consistent, clear way to find a sexual theme – with humor and the other, an exciting, formal and aesthetic. A powerful, empowering, punk rocking Debüt. A glücklich machinaal versprechen op meer: ​​Der Deutsche Serienpreis des Jahres 2024 wil be een Angemessen Angry.

Here the press release:

The TeleVisionale – Film and Series Festival Baden-Baden has presented the best TV and Streaming production of the year 2024 in a special presentation in Theater Baden-Baden.

The Fernsehfilm DAS SCHWEIGEN DER ESEL (ORF/ARTE) won the Fernsehfilmpreis of the Deutschen Akademie der Darstellenden Künste 2024 at the TeleVisionale in Baden-Baden. Camille Moltzen received the film prize for the 2024 study results as the best nachwuchsschauspieler in the production EIN MANN SEINER KLASSE (SWR/BR).

Das Ensemble von POLIZEIRUF 110 – DER DICKE LIEBT (MDR) bestowed by Peter Kurth, Peter Schneider and Sascha Nathan received a special prize for herausragende darstellerische Leistungen.

Another award for a herausragende direction is a Gina Wenzel and Ingo Haeb for EHER FLIEGEN HIER UFOS (WDR).

ANGEMESSEN ANGRY (RTL+) was awarded the title of Best German Series 2024.

ZEIT VERBRECHEN (RTL+) wins the Seriepreis der Studierenden 2024.

Since both series have received a quote from the production of private companies, the best private sector company in the German quality sector was hervorheb.

Während der TeleVisionale 2024 zed 3sat in de vergangen Woche nieuwen der zehn Wettbewerbsfilme auch im TV en in der 3satMediathek. Die Zuschauer:innen von 3sat haben entschieden: The 3satPublikumspreis 2024 gets an ICH BIN! MARGOT FRIEDLÄNDER (ZDF).

Das Rennen um die Auszeichnung MFG-Star 2024, die über 20 years in Baden-Baden of the MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg for the best Nachwuchs-

It will probably be directed by Director Justine Bauerfür MILCH INS FEUER.

Mirjam Skal received the Rolf-Hans Müller Prize for Film Music 2024 from the MFG Baden-Württemberg and the Rolf-Hans Müller Foundation with 5,000 Euro for the Filmmusik zu TATORT: VON AFFEN UND MENSCHEN (SRF/ARD Degeto ) .

See also the editorial staff: Stefanie Groß für SWR – Debüt im Dritten und Burkhard Althoff für ZDF – Das kleine Fernsehspiel de Ehrenpreis der Deutschen Akademie der Darstellenden Künste.

The Jury of the Honors Prize of the German Academy of Fine Arts in Diesem Jahr Prof. Hans-Jürgen Drescher (President of the German Academy of Fine Arts), Prof. Bettina Reitz (Präsidentin der Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München), Liane Jessen (Mediendramaturgin, ehemalige Fernsehspielchefin des HR), Volker Bergmeister (Kritiker) and Urs Spörri (Festivalleiter TeleVisionale) and.

One of the prominent jury members who gave Vorsitz the opportunity to defeat Schauspieler in those years, producer and activist Tyron Ricketts, was judged by the German Film Academy of the German Darstellenden. Neben ihm as Jury President of the Jury for the Fernsehfilmpreis of the Deutschen Akademie der Darstellenden Künste with: Samira El Ouassil (Kolumnistin, Schauspielerin und Autorin), Anna Brüggemann (Schuspielerin und Autorin), Cathrin Ehrlich (Kuratorin und Festivalleiterin), Alfred Holighaus ( Development Executive and Producer).

The jury of the German series awards 2024 of the TeleVisionale won in those years by Schauspielerin Fritzi Haberlandt. Neben ihr were in the Serien-Jury with dabei: Mimi Klein (Produzentin), Vic So Hee Alz (Drehbuchautorin), Oliver Rihs (Filmemacher), Tobias Rüther (Journalist).

Jurorin des MFG-STAR 2024, dem von der Baden-Württembergischen Filmförderung MFG ausgelobten Regie-Nachwuchspreis by Filmdirectorin Doris Dörrie.

The Über de Filmpreis der Studierenden 2024 has been selected by a jury from the Studierenden of the Deutschen Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB), of the Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, of the Hamburg Media School, of the Hochschule für Fernsehen en Film München (HFF ), of the International Film School Köln (IFS) and the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK). The award ceremony for the 2024 study results is the best of a jury from the study results of the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg.

The television has led its position as the best affiliate of the German TV and Streaminglandschaft. If you are aware of the quality discussions in the middle punkt, you are a fan of the Rahmen program that will provide a very high debate and a thorough analysis of the theme of the Fernsehens. You can look forward to the most common jury discussions in Anwesenheit von Publikum and Filmteams.

The production of the annual production was a film for the wettbewerb, one of the best German films of 2024 and new for the three nominated publications. The nominated pay-TV broadcast will be broadcast on the German Series Prize 2024.

In the broadcast of the Auszeichnung MFG-Star 2024, which was available for 20 years in Baden-Baden from the MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg for the best Nachwuchs-Regiearbeit, there were four nominated productions from the zurückliegende years.

I’m watching the broadcast of the TeleVisionale – Film and Series Festival Baden-Baden. During that year, the festival should be reduced with cost savings on the third day, but you can also have all offers appear on the factory settings of the branches. Among the three main festivals were prominent guests at the Kurhaus and Schauspieler: Fritzi Haberlandt, Leslie Malton, Anna Brüggemann, Peter Kurth, Peter Schneider, Tyron Ricketts and Director: women with Doris Dörrie, Helene Hegemann, Nicole Weegmann, Axel Ranisch, Raymond Ley and Dominik Graf.

The best price and great hospitality with guests at the Theater Baden-Baden. I continue with the pre-isträger:innen and Fernsehschaffenden at Abschlussempfang, veranstaltet von TELEVISIONALE, MFG, SWR and FILMAKADEMIE BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG in the Pop-Up-Bar of Kulturhaus LA8, one of the Abend ausklingen zu lassen. I am only a few years into the first television broadcasts in the Thüringische Kulturstadt Weimar.

The TeleVisionale is a joint Veranstaltung of the Deutschen Akademie van Darstellenden Künste und des Senders 3sat. The Film and Series Festival is sponsored and supported by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg, the Association of Film and Film Production, Media and Film Companies Baden-Württemberg, LFK Die Medienanstalt Baden-Württemberg, SWR, WDR, BR, ZDF, ORF, SRF, TELLUX, RTL+,

Disney+, ARD DEGETO, Stadt Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden Events, Kulturhaus LA8, GRENKE-Stiftung, Theater Baden-Baden, Bundesverband der Hörsysteme-Industrie, Bürgerstiftung Baden-Baden, Bauschatz & Gerstenmaier, Kino-Kontor. In those years, Medienpartner is Blickpunkt:Film, epd media,, KNA-Mediendienst, SPOTmedianews, IndieFilmTalk and

More information about TeleVisionale – Film and Series Festival auf

Zum background

The renowned FernsehfilmFestival Baden-Baden will hold the TeleVisionale Film and Series Festival in 2022. Under the new Leitung von Urs Spörri as art leader and Daniela Ginten as Geschäftsführerin during the Festival, since 1989 in November at the Kurhaus Baden-Baden, stattfindet, a German series prize and a festival program with modern talk formats and attractive networking opportunities for the Fernseh- and Streaming Industry are here.

The TeleVisionale is the most important festival for German television films and German television series in a sector that includes the useful stories of the publications of television films and reflective series. There were no problems with the broadcasting services and streaming services with prominent film and broadcasting companies, directors and producers.

INFOS about the German Academy of Fine Arts (Veranstalterin)

The Deutsche Akademie der Darstellenden Künste was founded in 1956 as a community community. Ziel war und be, door Diskussionen, Stellungnahmen und Veranstaltungen von Active Themes und Entwicklungen Zeichen und Maßstäbe voor de Cultural Livef of their Setzen. They became all Sparten der Darstellenden Künste wie, Theater, Oper, Tanz, Film, Fernsehen and Rundfunk. The Academy, with its active 500 Mitgliedern über an expertise, which such hresgleichen. The präsident is Prof. Hans-Jürgen Drescher (ehem. Präsident Theater Academy August Everding Munich), Vizepräsidentin Caroline von Senden (Leiterin ZDF-Redaktion Fernsehspiel I), Vizepräsident Marcus Lobbes (Director Akademie für Theater und Digitalität, Dortmund) as well as Schatzmeisterin Barbara Schäfer (Projekt – and Fortentwicklung Hörspiel Feature Radio Art/DLF Culture).