Pep-Talk for the SPD: “Partei für Aufholjagd”

Take a selfie with the Bundeskanzler. Gerade hat Olaf Scholz has found a great speech, it is an essential idea in the great Halle, but then Scholz is no longer near the flower. We continue to talk, which has been the case lately in the SPD a handful of Kanzler Candidates debate tobte. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius is not official in the government of 500 people in Willy-Brandt-Haus, of the SPD-Parteizentrale. There is nothing. Daher: alle Augen op Scholz.

Warm-up before warm-up

The restoration of the inheritance tax for the social democratic Wahlkampagne became. As Einheizer for Scholz, party leaders Lars Klingbeil and Saskia Esken dare to speak a few words. Klingbeil spoke in Pep-Talk, the SPD was from the “Party for the Autholjagd”, and it became a man who had a mission, which would probably make more of him.

A smaller part of the herausforderer of the Union, of the SPD mutmaßt, that is a Wahlkampf-versteckt became like this: “Friedrich Merz must go more, that is not the lousy total refuser who is going to this country”, and then Esken will Kanzler as “genau de richtigen Bundeskanzler für Deutschland” prizes and ex-financier Christian Lindner (FDP) for his “Schmierentheater” evaporate. Jubel im Saal. The most of the parties is that they are on the ballot, and the Wahlkämpfer will equip the rotten Schals for the Winterwahlkampf. It’s messing around like all warm weather.

A déjà vu for the year 2021?

An entschlossener Scholz is then on stage. If the American question is a teleprompter, the redetext war has begun, but Wörter is being concreted, but that is not the case. “These times are serious”, begins the Kanzler, das Land Brauche “ernsthafte, verantwortungsbewusste” Politik, “keine Spieler, keine Zocker”. The tone is composed in such a way that the Kanzler in the Wahlkampf presentations is also presented personally. Take the information into account when you receive the information.

It follows a The tirade is about the former Federal Finance Minister Lindner: Der und seine FDP has the task of the Bundesregierung “über Monate has been systematically sabotaged”, has actively prevented wollen, the Regierung is followed by: “So it was darf in Deutschland nieder paseren”, donnert Scholz in the Halle, with the lauter Applause zurückschallt. Auch Scholz shows jetzt in the Wahlkampfmodus gefunden zu haben. Seine Botschaft: This Wahl is a direct separation, when the man has a false abbiege, who has the schwerwieging persecution. Security and Zusammenhalt are at stake.

In my Willy-Brandt-Haus I was very happy with my life in 2021, and was able to look at it from the Zweifel: “Manche haben uns ja schon abgeschrieben”, sinniert er on der Bühne, aber: “Dieselben Leute hatten uns 2021 schon abgeschrieben, hört if it is not so, then it will not be so again, if Wahlkampf does it, if Wahlkampf is even a miracle.’

Scholz power Boden gut auf Merz

This period of study has never had a conscious effect, which is one of the active institutions of the financial institutions of Friedrich Merz (CDU) who has created a German boden hat. Gabe es nur die Wahl zwischen Merz und Scholz würden 33 Prozent der Befragten für Scholz und 35 Prozent für Merz votieren. I see the form of the process more in favor of Scholz.

Derbeitet sich in de blessing Rede hauptsächlich am Candidaten der Union abRobert Habeck (Grüne) is now Rande-erwähnt. Scholz no longer wants to know that as a trade union candidate it is more free and that it is a war. Wahlen würden in der Mitte entschieden, and “the Merz Union” will “never have their time with the Merkel-CDU anymore”. Your social media player is “full-fledged on the edge.” A “Bis-Hier-Hin-Und-Nicht-Weiter-Konservatismus” has become a “Von-Hier-Aus-Zurück-Konservatismus”. Darauf wollen der Kanzler and his Team Bauen.

This is the following text: The SPD will stabilize interest rates, the Mindestlohn at 15 euros in 2026, the debt reforms will increase investment. An investment bonus “Made in Germany” of more than 100 billion euros is awarded, the emissions for the German carmaker will cause CO2 emissions if they are all prevented. That Ukraine, all important, we will study no furtherAfter the internationalization of the conflicts could no longer be carried out, Germany was sucked into the Krieghine. The Botschaft des Kanzlers: Da sitzt einer im Kanzleramt, der genau, was getan zijn muss: “Je more Putin de Krieg anfacht, desto kühler muss unser Kopf sein.”

Scholz: “Ich brauche Euch, Euer Engagement and Eure Zuversicht”

Das Emotionalste, weil Persönlichste, has sich Scholz for the End seiner Reason auf. “Unsere Partei ist mir eine Heimat” says that everything has happened in the months 85, for the country and for social democracy. Fast 50 years is the day in the party, there is white, but there is the time for modesty and demutation: “I brauche Euch.”

Is it now the right candidate for the stage? I have packed Willy-Brandt-Haus close to the Beifall über de Schlusssatz “Wenn wir kämpfen, were wir gewinnen”, in Anlehnung and the slogan of Kamala Harris “If we fight, we win”. The verification is done, find the value of the Anwesenden in the Parteizentrale.

The Bayern-SPD’s Spitzencandidate, Carsten Träger, gives Scholz a good speech in the conversation with BR24: “There is an argument that you can say that you are geschlossen after getting and rocking. This is a good idea, a good alternative. If that is the case, everything was not good, we were one, then that is the case, that is what the SPD has done.” It is a matter of jetzigem Stand een faustdicke Überraschung.