If it is not the case, a man at the ganz Großen mitmischen … Siemens founder Joe Kaeser (67) who was sucked away from Sandra Maischberger (55) last time. Dahinter erschienen Tech-Milliardär Elon Musk (53) and Federal Minister Robert Habeck (55).
Nächtlicher Anruf by Elon Musk
Über Musk said to Kaeser: “Um Money is not true. Money is a good thing. Neither Aber nor niece Macht. Power, Einfluss in the political sphere. That’s kind of a surprise.’ Musk, i.e. Kaeser, has ‘extreme economic interests’, knows ‘in his personal approach’ and sees ‘a ghost or a perfidest person on that planet.’
Elon Musk didn’t falter for long, when it wasn’t over
Overzeugendstes Beispiel: “During the night the telephone went, that I wrote again, I knew it was not, was it passive?”, Kaeser remembered. Get the most devices: Siemens automation at Tesla. Elon Musk: That’s “everything crap” (Mist, d.Ed.).
That big-hearted Ansage des Tech-Milliardärs: “You better come here, I want to see you tomorrow.” (Schaff deinen Arsch hierher, ich möchte dich tomorrow.”) Kaeser: “That didn’t go well, weil there I I think it is no longer possible to automate at Tesla, but I’m happy.”
Robert Habeck provided Donnerwetter-Moment
Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (55, Grüne) said to Kaeser: “Habeck is empathetic. There is an ehrlichkeit in politics, the man will find it. There is a soft rustling sound.”
Aber, thus der Siemens-Stratege weiter: „Letzten Sonntag war der Bundeswirtschaftsminister in einer Sendung (Caren Miosga, d.Ed.) Da sagte er mir, ich habe das ausluik: Die Antworten, die wir geben, sind nahe an der Dimension der Wirklichkeit.”
The reaction of the top managers: “I thought: Donnerwetter! If someone speaks the Wirtschaft, then he would really want to know, the inner dimension of reality is, and no longer.’
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Eisiges Schweigen im Weißen Haus
Ouch uber Former Chancellor Angela Merkel (69, CDU), Kaeser said an anecdote about: “Beihrem first Besuch in Weißen Haus sagte der US-Präsident (George W. Bush, d. Ed.): You are guilty of two billions! There are paths for NATO and all that.”
Die Folge: eisiges Schweigen. Der Top-Manager zu Maischberger: “Sie machen sich keine Vorstellung, wie lang 30 Sekunden im Weißen Haus sind, und Sie sitzen daneben. Ganz furchtbar. The Kanzler can now move on, but it is not the case that a rechnung will arise. The story itself is not uniquely gut-wrenching.”