ARD and ZDF holen Talk shows from the Pause zurück

Munich, Mainz. Ways of the previous Bundestagswahl in the coming years of the ARD and the ZDF in the talk shows of the coming winter break. Caren Miosga will be his first guest of his new year on January 12, before going to war on January 26. “Hart aber fair” started on January 13 with the tags, “Maischberger” registered on January 21, which the ARD mitteilte at the Evangelical press service (epd) at the Freitag in Munich.

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The Sender-verbund has put together a program for the Bundestagswahl. “The game takes place in the same format with the ZDF on a reel. The winter break of the political talks would be newly prüft and distributed in the course of the Bundestagswahltermin, i.e. the ARD. “Hart aber fair” hätte nach der Pause first on January 20, “Maischberger” first on January 22.

Who is the ZDF in Mainz, with “Markus Lanz” after the break on January 7, “Maybrit Illner” will be released on January 16. “No of the regular political reporting, the ZDF plans more dispatches with the candidates and the other Spitzenkansen and candidates of the parties,” so the sender.

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