Bremer Philharmoniker and Gayle Tufts bring Swing to the stage

Bremer Philharmoniker and Gayle Tufts bring Swing to the stage

17 Bremer Philharmoniker regard die Bigband-Podien in schnieken weißen Jacketts, Director Stefan Klingele Swings in white frack, and after a few strokes of the snow Showtreppe auch schon in the paints Kleid der Star dieserkauften Silveternachmittags-Voraufführung by the Lamettavorhang. Gayle Tufts is the wonderful entertainerand who in the musical “Hello, Dolly!” This is the big band gala “Sing, sing, sing!” first gibt the right Pfiff.

Some of the first experiences are “Ihr seht sehr, sehr schön aus”, Freund Klingele looks at Steve Swingele, and the complete frauenlose Philharmoniker with its great trumpet and saxophonist soloists are for their “The Boys”. The Showstar from Massachusetts was born as “a born Swingerin”, with the Wortspiel story set directly to 20 songs by Cole Porter with Jerome Kern. This is what we are looking for, that is why the title is clear in the times that we have a global understanding of the world and the environment in which we are able to compose ourselves.

Frank Sinatra gets promoted

“Auf jede Nacht ein neuer Tag, in Bremen auf jede dunkle Nacht ein noch dunklerer Tag.” The fact is that after 2024 Gayle Tufts – “as war, now, ein Jahr” – could only serve more as the ruler for the leaders of the Monate to spread. For “Self Collect” a scribble is one of the few things you can do. Mit Sarah Jane Brandon (“Feeling Good”), the ihren Soprano so schön verrucht blades lassen kann, and Elias Gyungseok Han (“Blue Skies”) with Samtbariton, nor Frank Sinatra toppt, while he is both Mitstreiter, the Swing-Gen dies in Kehle’s tragedy. Sopranistine Nadine Lehner and the young Swedish baritone Arvid Fagerfjall and Fabian Duberg If it took longer, if I was in the Pacific, I would start a Gute-Laune-Sextett toll lesson here. Who Brandon, Lehner and Tufts are on the Spuren of Andrew Sisters “Bei mir bistu shein” schmettern, hat Klasse.

The musical sounds are good, especially those “szenische Einrichtung” des Hausdirectors Frank Hilbrich und de Ausstattung van Theresa Isabella Malessa beschränken sich auf das Allernötigste – de gewohnte Bremer Schwarz-(Weiß-)Brot. If the origin of the glitter hangs, while Elias Han creates the art, “From this moment on” is a longer lamettafaden nachhängt.

A few colorful fabric circles will see the star in Vollmonde, when Arvid Fagerfjäll sings “It’s only a Paper Moon”. The “Pink Panther” is a model of the Bühnenrand and a long Schwanz herabhängen. Sternenhimmel, Lichtboog, Discokugel – they are all people who are different and want to know more.

Show Theresa Isabella Malessa how beautiful it is, it’s not glittery. Hans blaues Jackett and Tufts letztes (rotes) Kleid) bring a little color into the game. More information about the man who invested his time: The Finale of the First Parts – zu Louis Prima’s title song Song “Sing, sing, sing” – the filled Sektflöten vom Tablett kippten en Elias Han in der Lache hinschlug (glücklicherweise wohl ohne böse Folgen) , sort for a nur mühsam überspielten Shock moment. Man darf courten, that’s what the original Premiere is like at the end, everything is smoother.

Donald Trump Parody

De Vogel im ersten Teil shoots Baritone Fabian Düberg under blonder Perücke with a Donald-Trump parody ab. Due to the statement of Duke Ellington’s “It don’t mean a thing”, the young singer is never heard, but the real satire is still not impressed by the Wahlkampfgetänzel of the American presidents in the “Swing States” ever This is a different story and with the Satz “Make Bremen’s Swing great again” the appropriate Pointe setzt.

“I think it’s important, a positive thing from America coming in,” how Gayle Tufts concreted in. The two parts can be found in their own songs. Nadine Lehner translates with Hingabe “What the world needs now is love” and brought Herz-Luftballons to Publikum. Arvid Fagerfjäll was verdammt heiß (“Too darn hot”) on Ella Fitzgerald’s Spuren, and Fabian Düberg performed a rock song with his Eagles song “Heartache Tonight”. The music of the Abba-Einsprengsel “Lay all your Love on me” was performed in the a cappella version of “Mister Sandman” and in the “Chattanooga Choo Choo” – written in Lindenberg’s German Text – in brilliant Ensemble-AuftRITs.

The second final of the new year was played with the Schwarzen and Schwulen Hymn “I will survive”. With the Zugaben – Cab Calloway’s “Hi-De-Ho”, von Fagerfjäll mitreißend angeführt, and “We are Family” – the audience then sings in Stehen with. A Gayle Tufts, from the Magnet production, can save the new floskeln: “Wir see uns”, which is shown in the whole. It was sensible, it was good.


That Big Band Gala “Sing, sing, sing!” is in the Bremer Theater on January 25 and February 13 at 7 p.m., and on January 12 and February 23 at 6 p.m.

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