The most exciting PS5 Games 2025: These Highlights erwarten euch!

Death Stranding 2: On the beach

Kojima Productions | 2025

Death Stranding 2: On The Beach is the power of Hideo Kojima’s post-apocalyptic games and is exclusive to the PlayStation 5 in 2025. The treatment resembles Sam Porter Bridges, with his best representation, the human before the other course of events keep. When a world is concerned with ending war and recovering from war, it is possible to use some of the time with nerves, with contacts across the dimensions of war. The gameplay is based on the DNA of the older players, integrating new mechanics with improved transportation and strategic elements. A central part of the treatment is in the area of ​​health and the experience of one of the universal catastrophes that occur in the world.

Guideline 8020

Super tough games | 2025

“Alien” riffs on “The thing from another world”. Directive 8020 is a science fiction horror game that takes a fictional mission to the human mind. After absorbing the crew, the Cassiopeia is presented with an organism that the Gestalt Blesser can offer. I have to improvise, waffen, schleichen and critical entscheidungen, an overall life. The treatment is an aggravated whole, in the european separation from the horror of humanity during infusion. They are still interactive films that combine horror gameplay with moral dilemmas. Eure Crew is set on a heartless probe, the mission and the experience are as good as the alien itself.

DOOM: The Dark Ages

id software | 2025

DOOM: The Dark Ages appears in the history of the legendary DOOM Slayers and is the prequel to DOOM in the year 2016 and DOOM Eternal. The Egoshooter takes place in one of the other worlds, in the world where the transformation takes place, while Slayer does not exist. With more intense attacks, bruises and gore’s, the game’s brutal attacks take the series out of power.

Dragon Quest I & II HD 2D Remake

Square Enix, ARTDINK | 2025

The remake of Dragon Quest 3 is great: playing games are not played in nostalgic world, but if they are played in any of the pixel options, they can be played. Square Enix also released the first two parts of Dragon Quest in their iconic HD-2D look. When you leave the first Dragon Quest, while you are a king, you can undertake the journey in the Dragon Quest 2 fortress, one of the best in the world of your ascent. Auch in Dragon Quest I & II HD-2D Remake lasted a few minutes before the original version became unavailable.

Dragonkin: The Banished

Eko software | February 2025

In Dragonkin: The Banished, one of the Drachenblut-corrumpierte Welt got euch in een monster bekämpfen. There are four heroic classes – the Barbaric, the Oracle, the Knight and the Fährtenleserin – with special skills and techniques. The combinations provide more options to combine and customize, a number of eligible individuals. When a trip begins in a city, it is worth making a separation. In buy mode you have to take the time to play with your four games.

Dune: Awakening

Funcom | 2025

Dune: Awakening takes place in the historical world of Arrakis, a power sector that is being re-established and a different faction on the control camps. I follow a scripture of my own, in the hour when the wind moves through the bachelors and the secret of the vergangheit begins. The game spread is one of the best in the battle, using the resources that contain the real herbs and yielding a few sandwürmer and rival groups. Nutzt is a matter of high quality and the knowledge of the Fremen, one of the best, where you can explore the terrain with the Fahrzeugen and the best working sows.

Dying Light: The Beast

Techland | Summer 2025

In Dying Light: The Beast crashes into Kyle Crane’s Rolle, one of the zombies taking flight. If parkour and animal strength were subjected to brutal experiments in every experience, an euch and other things. In the post-apocalyptic world, more and more groups have emerged from overextended and threatening credits, creating a mysterious Jagd creature. Nights do not grow longer, and it must be possible to fly, camp or suffocate. If you are using any of the other groups in a group of 4 playground equipment, you can use this one. Besitzer of the Ultimate Edition of Dying Light 2 Stay Human is a low cost game.

Dynasty Warriors: Origins

Omega power | January 17, 2025

In Dynasty Warriors Origins, there is a conflict in the roles of heroes and battles in epic battles, the Three Reichs in war-torn wars. I propose a new Armenian and a tactical enterprise that eliminates the franchise. The focus lies in a military strategy and deployment with connections. The story explores the insights of the original protagonists and offers a new perspective on historical China.


DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS (PlayStation 5) DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS (PlayStation 5)Buy jetzt for €79.99 at Amazon

Elden Ring Night Reign

From software | 2025

Was the Elden Ring hat worn? Aim! A Battle Royale mode. Kein Scherz. My own spin-off Elden Ring Nightreign takes place in Dreier-Teams at night. When you make a bargain, hurdles are cleared and powerful champions are played with a single artful action. I have to look into a number of strengths and strategies, and in the night the Spielwelt Stück für Stück reduces itself.