If you like the taste, you will find the alphabet, the interpunktions-zeichen, the page from 0 to 9 and some other types, which have been used in the Alltag. The best Alt-Codes allow you to display one symbol and another symbol, operator and icons on the image. Here you will find more tables, it is an overarching overview of the Alt-Codes that form a symbol during the flavor combinations that you can think of.
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The einsatz of Alt-Codes can help in some situations. Beispielsweise if you get an American taste, the German text is included. A best program is automatically bestimmte Zeichen um formationrt or einfach, a quick Zugriff on Zeichen and Symbole je haben, the man is so not found on the Tastatur.
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Who functions?
Setting the Alt-Codes is a flavor with number pad. If you can write these words, the link stops Alt-Taste (not Alto Gr) printed and gebt the entsprechende Zahlenkombination über das Numpad (right on the taste) end. Sobald ihr Alt whoever loosened it, the entsprechende Zeichen would be set.
Nur with Numpad can use the Alt-Code utilities (© GIGA)
When compiling the flavor versions (beispielsweise with laptops), a numpad is available as other flavor legs. When you taste the taste of autumn, you know that you can eat 0 to 9 of them as an alternative. An alternative Ziffernblock comes between the über die Features-Taste fn oder, falls available, eine Number-Taste.
If you enable the Alt-Codes, you will be reimbursed for the Flavor Combo Alt + fn + the jeweiligen Code eingebt. If there is a good chance that you will press the button once Numberthen go to Alt-Code as normal and then press again Numbera Ziffernblock is not active.
Alt codes for Währungssymbole
Symbol |
Bezeichnung |
Alt code |
€ |
Euro symbol |
0128 |
¢ |
Cent |
0162 |
$ |
US dollar |
36 |
£ |
British Pfund |
0163 |
¥ |
Yen |
0165 |
ƒ |
Florin |
0131 |
¤ |
allgemeines Währungssymbol |
0164 |
Alt codes for Sonderbuchstaben und -Satzzeichen
symbol(e) |
Bezeichnung |
Alt code(s) |
Geschütztes Leerzeichen |
0160 |
¡ |
umgedrehtes Ausrufezeichen |
0161 |
¿ |
umgedrehtes Fragezeichen |
0191 |
Ç, ç |
Cedille |
0199, 0231 |
Œ, œ |
sister stories „oe“ |
0140, 0156 |
Æ, æ |
sistersammengeschriebenes „ae |
0198, 0230 |
ß |
scharfes S |
0223 |
Ø, ø |
Oh mit Querstrich |
0216, 0248 |
Å, å |
A mit Kreis, Angstrom-Zeichen |
0197, 0229 |
Þ,þ |
Thorn |
0222, 0254 |
Ð, ð |
Eth |
0208, 0240 |
«, » |
French, Spanish Anführungsstriche |
0171, 0187 |
‹, › |
French, Spanish Anführungsstriche (single) |
0139, 0155 |
Ä, ä |
A-umlaut |
0196, 0228 |
Ë, ë |
E-umlaut |
0203, 0235 |
Ï, ï |
I-Umlaut |
0207, 0239 |
Oh, oh |
O-Umlaut |
0214, 0246 |
Ü, ü |
U-umlaut |
0220, 0252 |
Ÿ, ÿ |
Y-Umlaut |
0159, 0255 |
À, à |
A with Accent Grave |
0192, 0224 |
È, è |
Broadcast Accent Grave |
0200, 0232 |
Ì, ì |
I use Accent Grave |
0204, 0236 |
Ò, ò |
Leave out Accent Grave |
0210, 0242 |
Ù, ù |
You with Accent Grave |
0217, 0249 |
Â, â |
With Zirkumflex |
0194, 0226 |
Ê, ê |
Broadcast Zirkumflex |
0202, 0234 |
Î, î |
I use Zirkumflex |
0206, 0238 |
Oh, oh |
Omit Zirkumflex |
0212, 0244 |
Û, û |
Use Zirkumflex |
0219, 0251 |
Ñ, ñ |
ng symbol |
163, 165 |
Ž, ž |
Z mit Hatschek |
0142, 0158 |
Š, š |
Smith Hatschek |
0138, 0154 |
Alt codes: Table of Contents
Symbol |
Bezeichnung |
Alt code |
Leerzeichen |
32 |
! |
Ausrufezeichen |
33 |
„ |
Typographical Anfürhungszeichen |
34 |
# |
Rauut |
35 |
& |
Und-Zeichen |
38 |
‘ |
Apostrophe |
39 |
( |
Climb up |
40 |
) |
Klammer zu |
41 |
, |
Comma |
44 |
. |
Punkt |
46 |
/ |
Schragstrich |
47 |
: |
Double-pointed |
58 |
; |
Half column |
59 |
* |
Sternchen |
42 |
? |
Fragezeichen |
63 |
@ |
At-Zeichen |
64 |
Eckige Klammer zu |
93 |
^ |
Zirkumflex |
94 |
_ |
Unterstrich |
95 |
` |
Gravis |
96 |
{ |
Geschwungen Klammer auf |
123 |
| |
Judge Strich |
124 |
} |
Geschwungen Klammer zu |
125 |
~ |
Tilde |
126 |
„ |
Anführungszeichen on the left |
0132 |
“ |
Anfürhungszeichen right |
0147 |
Alt codes: Table of mathematical symbols
Symbol |
Bezeichnung |
Alt code |
% |
Prozent |
37 |
+ |
Plus |
43 |
– |
Minus |
45 |
× |
Malzeichen |
414 |
÷ |
Geeiltzeichen |
246 |
Größer as |
62 |
‰ |
Permille |
0137 |
¬ |
Niece symbol |
0172 |
° |
Grad symbol |
0176 |
± |
Plus-minus |
0177 |
µ |
Micro/Mine |
0181 |
¼ |
A Viertel |
0188 |
½ |
A Halb |
0189 |
¾ |
Drei-Viertel |
0190 |
ª |
Ordinal-a |
166 |
º |
Ordinal-o |
167 |
¹ |
Hoch 1 |
251 |
³ |
High 3 |
252 |
² |
Hoch 2 |
253 |
Alt codes for the modern lateinic alphabet
Symbolic |
Alt codes |
Symbolic |
Alt codes |
One, one |
65, 97 |
N, n |
78, 110 |
B, born |
66, 98 |
Oh, oh |
79, 111 |
C, c |
67, 99 |
P, p |
80, 112 |
D, d |
68, 100 |
Q, Q |
81, 113 |
E, e |
69, 101 |
R, r |
82, 114 |
F, f |
70, 102 |
S, s |
83, 115 |
G, g |
71, 103 |
T, t |
84, 116 |
H, h |
72, 104 |
You, you |
85, 117 |
I, I |
73, 105 |
V, v |
86, 118 |
J, J |
74, 106 |
W,W |
87, 119 |
K, k |
75, 107 |
X, X |
88, 120 |
L, l |
76, 108 |
Y, J |
89, 121 |
M, M |
77, 109 |
Z, z |
90, 122 |
Alt codes for Zahlen
Symbol |
Alt code |
Symbol |
Alt code |
0 |
48 |
5 |
53 |
1 |
49 |
6 |
54 |
2 |
50 |
7 |
55 |
3 |
51 |
8 |
56 |
4 |
52 |
9 |
57 |
More useful symbols with Alt-Codes
Symbol |
Bezeichnung |
Alt code |
† |
Kreuz |
0134 |
‡ |
Double cross |
0135 |
• |
Aufzählungspunkt |
0149 |
– |
en-Dash (Gedankenstrich mit n-Breite) |
0150 |
— |
em-Dash (Gedankenstrich mit m-Breite) |
0151 |
Trademark symbol |
0152 |
§ |
Paragraphs symbol |
0164 |
© |
Copyright-Zeichen |
0169 |
® |
Registered symbol |
0174 |
¶ |
Absatzeichen |
0182 |
Smiley |
1 |
☻ |
dunkler Smiley |
2 |
Rev |
3 |
Karo |
4 |
Kreuz |
5 |
cock |
6 |
Geschlechtssymbol “männlich” |
11 |
Geschlechtssymbol „weiblich“ |
12 |
♪ |
Note symbol |
13 |
♫ |
doppeltes Note symbol |
14 |
☼ |
Son |
15 |
Doppel-Ausrufezeichen |
19 |
¶ |
Absatzeichen |
20 |
↑ |
Pfeil nach openen |
24 |
↓ |
Take care of yourself |
25 |
Take care of yourself and unten |
18 |
→ |
Turn right |
26 |
← |
Pfeil nach-links |
27 |
View left and right |
29 |
Symbol |
Alt code |
Symbol |
Alt code |
◘ |
8 |
├ |
195 |
○ |
9 |
─ |
196 |
◙ |
10 |
┼ |
197 |
► |
16 |
╚ |
200 |
◄ |
17 |
╔ |
201 |
▬ |
22 |
╩ |
202 |
↨ |
23 |
╦ |
203 |
∟ |
28 |
╠ |
204 |
▲ |
30 |
═ |
205 |
▼ |
31 |
╬ |
206 |
░ |
176 |
┘ |
217 |
▒ |
177 |
┌ |
218 |
▓ |
178 |
█ |
219 |
│ |
179 |
▄ |
220 |
┤ |
180 |
▀ |
223 |
╣ |
185 |
■ |
254 |
║ |
186 |
▬ |
278 |
╗ |
187 |
⌂ |
383 |
╝ |
188 |
‗ |
498 |
┐ |
191 |
┴ |
193 |
└ |
192 |
┬ |
194 |
Zweitsprache Netzjargon: Was bedeuten diese Chat-Abkürzungen?
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