Weihnachtlicher Genuss auf die Hand: Bratwurst, Sauerkraut and Leek Beer Sauce were in Hot Dog on Festtagsgenuss. © Einfach Delicious
The Hot Dog is served in a bowl with bratwurst, sauerkraut and leek beer sauce with culinaris. Highlight of the party.
Festtags Hot Dogs are a perfect mix of tradition and delicious! Schnell gemacht, aber trotzdem festlich – these Hot Dogs bring the classic Küche zu Weihnachten on a new level. Whether as a Snack from the Weihnachtsfilm-Marathon or as another Hauptgericht, you can look at a different way with your own twist and machen jedes Festessen.
Recipe for Festtags-Hot-Dogs: The creative gender for another moment
These Hot Dogs, the American classic is newly defined, everything is possible: Schnell, tasty and great party! Ideal for your culinary highlight desires.
Weihnachtlicher Genuss auf die Hand: Bratwurst, Sauerkraut and Leek Beer Sauce were in Hot Dog on Festtagsgenuss. © Einfach Delicious
Zubereitung15 minutes
Cooking/Backing18 Minutes
Gesamt33 Minutes
Recipe Properties
Nahrwert pP650 kcal
- Party food
- Fleish
- revise
- German
- American
- For the Hot Dogs:
- 60 ml Ol
- 200 g rote Zwiebeln, sliced in Streifen
- Price Salz
- 3 Bratwurst
- 3 Hot Dog Buns
- 100 g Sauerkraut
- For the Preiselbier sauce:
- 40 g Preisel beer ad Glass
- 20 g Senf
- 20 g honey
- 0.25 TL Salz
- 0.25 TL Pfeffer
- Price Zimt
- For the toppings:
- Röstzwiebeln, nach Geschmack
- Schnittlauch, nach Geschmack
1. Schritt
40 ml of oil in a Pfanne erhitzen and Zwiebeln mit Salz therein under occasiontlichem Rühren approximately zehn Minuten anbraten.
2. Schritt
Residuals in one of the sauberen Pfanne erhitzen und Bratwürste darin ungefähr eight minutes rundum kross anbraten.
3. Schritt
Mix all the ingredients for the sauce in a small sauce.
4. Schritt
Hot Dog Buns after a relaxing time. Stuffed brötchen with sauerkraut, würsten, zwiebeln and sauce and garnish after geschmack with Röstzwiebeln and Schnittlauch. Fertig!
More information
Einfach-Tasty-Tipp: The Hot Dog brötchen are delicious, but the Kräuterbutter becomes quite richer before the Wurst is introduced. This simple method brings more energy and provides a more intensive aromatic experience.
Schritt für Schritt zum Festtags-Hot-Dog in Rezept-Video:
In this Recipe Video it is said who Festtags Hot Dogs are made with a refined leek beer sauce. Schnell, einfach and unglaublich lecker – ideal for other reviews or as reworked highlights during your party.
The Hot Dog hat is a long tradition, which is 19 years old. Originating from Germany for hours, while the sausage is moving away in the US, it could work as “Frankfurter” or “Wiener”. The typical Hot Dog standard, like the sausage placed in a bun – a more practical snack, the fast popular sausage and the most diverse variations in the world.
A holiday where different: Those renewed Hot Dogs with bratwurst, sauerkraut and leek beer sauce can be found in a locker with Braten & Co. are served. © Einfach Delicious
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There are many ideas that are new to the traditional Hot Dog. Während die hot-dog-waffeln croquettes the perfect combination with crispy and fresh beets, with the sausage on the side Uncomplicated Hot Dog Wrap Einfach in a Wrap wrapped and with different Toppings for a creative snack.
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