The Evenburg in Loga becomes barren during the winter break. It is not possible to put an end to the program.
Leer – Before January 11, 2025, the Winter break started and the Evenburg in Leer-Loga noch Program started. After that, the castle is around 19. But you are not allowed to visit the castle and you will not be able to visit the country. The park can also be enjoyed further. Here came the overview, his break was not loose in the Evenburg.
Evenburg: Die Öffnungszeiten
The next day the castle is open for a break between 11 and 17 hours. Der Eintritt concerns 7 Euro for Erwachsene, Kinder und Jugendliche bis 17 Jahre has free Eintritt.
The installation of the sanitary facilities and the Schlossbrücke is the Evenburg-zurzeit nur über a Seitenbrücke erreichbar. A barrier-free operation can be a leader that cannot become light. More information can be found online
Offentliche Fuhrungen
A Sunday and Feiertagen were celebrated during the Winter Pause at 11.30 am and at 2.30 pm during the open day. The gilded news did not appear on January 1. The evil private lives of the big kids are taken into account.
Edle Tapeten and Deckenzier occupied adliges Leben anno 1862. There is information about the background information about the restoration. Zum Schloss gehörte einst auch a führender Gartenbaubetrieb – der Katalog von 1889 listet more as 2400 Gartenpflanzen auf. The teilnahme includes Eintritt ins Schloss costs 12 Euro for Erwachsene, Kinder and Jugendliche bis 17 Jahre has free Eintritt.
Stilllife-Ausstellung geht zu Ende
The Schloss Evenburg said neither bis zum 10. Januar Werke des in Groningen live Malers Henk Helmantel. “Our technical work is inspired by the traditions of the 500-year-old Western European Males,” heißt es vom Landkreis. The Helmantel sees who is different in the Low “the Purity of Einfachheit in a Gemälde zu erassen”. There is one of the most common events in the Netherlands.
The Work “Stilles Leben” by Helmantel. Photo: Landkreis Leer
With Führungen in Vergangene Zeiten reisen
Before the winter break took place in the Evenburg, there was no theater holiday yet, the teilnehmer in this time verses soll. On Donnerstag, January 2, from 3 p.m. at the Theaterführung Caroline Luise Börner: “I wish I had a good time.” Dabei empfängt Fräulein Börner, the House Lady, the Besucherinnen and Besucher as new Bedienstete.
It’s a matter of beach, as a man warms up in the Grafenhaus. Considerations for the personal, the History of the Hauses and Seiner Bewohner especially Wünsche des Hausherrn – over all, Fräulein Börner is best in Bilde. Die Teilnahme costs 13 Euro, Kinder und Jugendliche bis 17 Jahre has free Eintritt. Registration is possible at the castle under telephone number 0491/99756000 foutorderlich.
Themenführung Kirche with Grave Crypt
Bei eener Führung am Donnerstag. 9. January, from 15 p.m. it is not possible to visit the Schloss Evenburg now, the Führung ermöglicht auch the View of the niece öffentlich zugänglichen Grave crypt in the im 13. Jahrhundert erbauten ehemaligen Patronatskirche. It is best to use a restaurant from the age of 17. Im Schloss is über das Leben und Wirtschaften der Grafenfamilie im 19. Jahrhundertberichtet.
If a building is no longer owned by Schloss Evenburg, the airflow will reduce the lighting of the castle. Photo: Landkreis Leer
The Eintritt costs 14 Euro, Children and Jugendliche up to 17 years have free Eintritt. Registration is possible at the castle under telephone number 0491/99756000 foutorderlich.
Awesome article