Title defender Magnus Carlsen has appeared on the jeans, but now at the Blitzschach-WM. “Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: We can survive, who is dazu kam, aber ich spiele mindestens nor einen Tag in New York, and wenn ich gut abschneide, nor einen Tag danach,” the 34-year-old Norwegian can say in an interview with Schach platform “Take Take Take” an.
Tags zuvor hatte der Großmeister frustriert seinen kompletten Rückzug von dem Turnier angekündigt – in the fight against the rules of the Weltschachverbands for the Kleiderordnung, the Tragen of Jean’s words. The Schnellschachturnier was finished by Carlsen, the first 18-year-old Russian Wolodar Mursin was overwhelmed. I started with the big Blitz-WM.
Jeans worn: 200 US Dollar Strafe for Magnus Carlsen
The Weltverband FIDE has the number 1 of the Schach-Weltrankliste for anyone who wants to come. Man is happy with himself, “die Zusammenarbeit with Herrn Carlsen and der weltweiten Schachgemeinschaft fortzusetzen”, here is in a Mitteilung auf der Plattform Später told X and: “Oh, I will definitely be playing in jeans tomorrow.”
Carlsen war zum Spieltag am Freitag in Jeans erschienen, was the Teilnehmern untersagt ist. After sweating the Tages party, Carlsen received a fine of 200 US dollars and an ultimatum, which is a lot of money. Carlsen dies during the run and is disqualified from the run.
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Carlsen has no qualms about telling more and traveling to woolen, “wo das Wetter ein bisschen besser ist as here”. Nun follows the Rückzug vom Rückzug. (dpa/tm)