Soldiers for the Frieden: Nachruf auf den Bundeswehrgeneral Ruprecht von Butler – Politik

In the future, Ruprecht von Butler is still alive, but the hat is no longer loose for a long time. I am a schlesischen Dobersdorf and I explain to the German Panzer in Frühjahr 1945 a hindrance for a more Soviet Column T-34-Tanks, with a battle against the broke soldier Soldat von Butler. The Russians have high levels of destruction, which have resulted in many fallen victims, being thrown into brawny panzers. Fast 80 years of später also explains Ruprecht von Butler in a Kranz, not in mind “one those fallen Russian, political and German soldiers”.

Ruprecht von Butler, born at the end of 1928, guarded and intensified as other frühere Soldaten der Wehrmacht over the Krieg nachgedacht, in dem er, for a single weny Monate nor, Wehrpflichtiger and Soldat for a false Sache and a Mordregime war. There are tribes from another noble family, the soldier tradition bis ins 12. Jahrhundert zurückgeht and bis in the gegenwart reicht, both seiner sohne wurden who is general of the Bundeswehr.

The Grace of History

When Ruprecht von Butler saw Bruder Peter in the new Bundeswehr in 1960, it was the celebration of the Überzeugung, that of the Staatsbürger in uniform and the young German democracy that had the right power in the zvilisatiesbruch des nationalsozialismus. In a separate official statement it was written: In Germany “since my misunderstandings have been unsolvable, things have happened”. With the Feinden von Gestern – American, British or Belgiern – common in a Militärbündnis freer Nationen zu serve, betrachtete er stets als Gnade der History and as Verpflichtung.

The first years that the Karriere fish was used were in the climate of the panzergrenadiere. Gerade in solechen Verwendungen were young Offiziere wie Ruprecht von Butler so wichtig für das in Deutschland so neue Unternehmen, Military and democratic societies. 1973 went to the Bonner Verteidigungsministerium, 1977 went to the Kommando über die Kampftruppenschule I in Hammelburg.

For four years there was Befehlshaber des Wehrbereichskommandos V in Stuttgart, where there were a number of new military leaders: In the open air, there were mass demonstrations against the Nato-Nachrüstung, Straßenprosteste, Blockaden von Kasernen and US-Stützpunkten. Ruprecht von Butler trades in Mutlangen with Wortführern der Friedensbewegung.

Ruprecht von Butler’s ausgleichendes Temperament, sein Bürgersinn and seine Fähigkeit, stets nach nach motiven of the others Seite zu fragen, schützten ihn for einfachen Feindbildern. There has been a buyer and with a humane trade and with Jörg Zink, a knowledgeable Pastor of the Friedensbewegung, who ensures that this is no longer the case; zu Zink, Butler finally says: “Wir both glauben, the right way zu gehen”, that Soul sei dasselbe: “Frieden in Europe“.

In 1985 he won the Great Merit Cross and entered the Ruhestand. Funny how interesting, life and work are fortan in the other families in the French Heldritt, Bavaria and Thuringia. On 28. Dezember there is neither Family and Wegbegleiter, Friends and Friends zur Feier seines 100. Geburtstags ein. But Dazu has not come again: Whoever the Family now has, is Ruprecht von Butler kurz for Christmas nights.