Eklige Kopfläuse in Basel
Kein Free Shampoo for affected families
If you put your heart down and breathe your last in Basel. The Regierung will not be an anti-Laus-Konzept ändern.
Published at 07:04 Uhr
Great value for a cup.
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BotTalk In Kurze:
- Eltern beschwerten über anhaltenden Lausbefall bij Kindern in Basel.
- LDP Grossrat Adrian Iselin has entered into an anti-laus contract and suffered cost losses due to his shampoo and debts.
- The Regierung will not cost-losing Shampooabgabe.
Ärgerlich and unappetitlich – Eltern kämpften in Basel diesen Herbst besonders die lang gegen hartnäckigen Lausbefall auf den Köpfen ihrer Kinder. «The children who attend kindergartens in Canton Basel-Stadt are now more concerned with playing families. These are put in their infancy by the affected children’s jewelry. A childhood friend has been writing for a while now, LDP Grossrat Adrian Iselin complained in a written letter.
For a four-person family, an additional charge of 600 Francs can be paid. If you want to spend a new amount of money, you have to handle the financing of the financing. Deshalb wants the Regieraad to know that he has an anti-laus royal initiative and who has the Abgabe of kostenlosem shampoo and affected debts.
This is how Iselin works, which means that the Lehrpersons are “gemäss meiner Information nicht erlaubt ist, Kont rolen durchzuführen. No mandatory obligations can be imposed.”
There is a problem that the Canton does not make education in school and kindergarten effective in practice. The brand statement “Headflask – get rid of it” is not funny.
Registration set to information
The broader guideline for management in your active Antwort on the Anfrage. “The Bekämpfung of Kopfläusen and Kindergärten and Schools in Canton Basel-Stadt can take a few years on one of the following requirements,” writes the Regierungsrat.
Stufe 1: the extensive information about the institutions and institutions. Study 2: Eltern and Lehr Persons can last longer and longer by welding Schulärztlichen Dienst. Study 3: a personal treatment of Eltern in the healthcare department. Once the error has occurred, it may happen that the treatment can never be carried out, but we will now receive personal instruction on the correct philosophy of life.
No financial support for affected families
The costs for a double treatment with washing shampoo berechnet der Regierungsrat with 20 bezielingsweise for long hair with 40 Francs. In Iselins Beispiel a four-member family, the dreimal von Läusen happened to, was 240 beziehungsweise 480 Francs.
These costs will die to the affected family. «The Regierungsrat can view the Anliegen. Dennoch dies from the factory because he has sin and can make his counterproductive products. The correct instructions for a washing shampoo are separated, a cup bottle is intended. A free Abgabe in Schulen can carry out his journey through Fehlan-reis (unconscious prophylactic acts, his high anwendungen) and weniger Fachberatung in the Apotheke-führen, he is in the Antwort. Make sure you take control of the chosen trip and the costs. There is a problem you cannot solve.
No regular controls for Ort
If there is a problem with the treatment of head fläusen, it may be the case that all children are treated with a washing shampoo so that the head fläuse is founded.
Use the kindergarten children as a primary school always weeder auf. If a kopfläuse does not contain any maladies, the trotzdem is a burden. Regulatory controls for ort and preventive masses in schools and kindergartens do not intend to undertake intensive personal treatment of the registers of medical professionals who need to be trained.
Lake Kopfläusen
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