As an alternative to the years that Ben Neumann has lost his light, when the Zwölfjähriger retreats, he dies surfing. Blind pride is the Wellen in Ozean. And will become bald by the great stage of the world.
On the beach of Valdoviño you can blast the waters meters away on the coast. Inmitten der raw Nordspanischen See the treibt Ben Neumann from Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Under a Surfbrett, on a Kopf a Helmet – both in yellow Signalfarbe. On the beach I am Peter, both can use the headset in other words. Peter navigates Ben zetimetergenau through the Wellen.
Been vertraut seinem Vater zu 100 Prozent. That’s right, denn Ben is blind. Voller Energie starts by hitting the road in Brett and starts hitting the water world. In this moment, when Welle fades and dries up in his shadows, Ben digs a. There is a first impression of the waiter after seeing, see the straight path and the source of the source.
Nach Gen-Defekt: Neumann is blinded and involved in surfing
“We don’t have any visual input, but I miss my other ones too. Was I okay? Was I happy?”, Neumann explains in Blickpunkt Sport. Gabe stecken neben Talent auch fell Einsatz und Fleiß. Im Alter von sechs Jahren erblinde Neumann aufgrund eines Gen-Defekts. If you are looking for the Eisbachwelle in Munich and the Surf Parks in the Umland, try the Surfen in Kontakt – and the Fieber package is comfortable.
Ohne Surf-Erfahrung: Vater und Sohn holen EM-Brons
Sein Vater is a bigger fan and a better begleiter. “Let’s understand the unsettling situation with a blind eye for my positive environment, so I can understand it for 18 years so that I never fell or fell during the day,” says Peter Neumann. This is a completer that Surf-Laie is, where he plays Rolle: “These Kontrahenten, gegen die wir antreten, haben normalerweise Vollprofis im Wasser. Insofern since we are in the camps, we are happy with everything, in the mountains bowls.”
At the Parasurf-EM 2023 in Valdoviño, Ben surfed with a bronze medal. Dennoch erase Vater und Sohn: Wenn Am so focused by starting an attempt, braucht is a new guide. However, a person with surfing expertise can make the perfect choice. “Mir war wichtig, dass auch auf der Vertrauensebene passt, weil das ein sehr, sehr wichtiger Aspekt ist”, said Neumann about his Entscheidung in die Herbst.
Professional guide Neuerer: “War was always a Fan of Ben”
One person who will receive this critical legacy is Rosina Neuerer from Rosenheim. They both know themselves from the small surf areas of Munich Eisbach. “I was always a fan of Ben”, said the 24-year-old Neuerer, who had learned to become a professional Surf-Coach abgeschlossen hat: “If Ben was powerful, it is completely unglaublich. (…) There are no boundaries .”
“Rosina war soft Feuer und Flamme”
So Neumann in the Wasser ist, so it is so damn, Neuerer zu fragen, ob sein Surf-Guide became mage. “I had a Tages a herz fasst en anger. Was so I sagen? Die Rosina war eigentlich soft Feuer en Flamme.” And if you want, you can use your flight tickets in Kaliforni to view your flight tickets in Kaliforni, while in Huntington Beach you will get a bronze medal at Para-WM.
A new Dream Team is born. Neuerer weiß, zu was Neumann alles in der Lage ist. “There were years ago that we skifahren and that is a good thing, because the Schwünge on the slopes is fahren. The war will be fascinating.” Gemeinsam wollen during the 2028 Paralympic Games in Los Angeles. But it is a separate Haken.
Enttäuschung: Parasurfing 2028 not paralympic
During the Paralympic Games at the Paralympic Games in LA28, the IPC (International Paralympic Committee) can use a Zulassung bij de Spielen. “This is a big damage, but it is a beautiful perspective that we can see and other issues in terms of financing.” While his Paralympic sports artists do not make any money from the German sports club, Ben and Vater finance Peter Neumann themselves and through their expenses.
If you are a surfer, in the kompletter Dunkelheit in Wellen, this is no obstacle. “Wir Para-Surfer is not flexible and oriented in the water world, but can end up on land. The ISA (Surf-Weltverband) will remain in this position once again, therefore I will be more aware of this, as it will take place in 2032 (Paralympics in Brisbane ) comes to an end.”
This is the European perspective on BR24.
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Quelle: Blickpunkt Sport 22.12.2024 – 21:45 Uhr