Be sure to take care of the weather when using the Caltstufe – Taste with a hairdryer strategically. Wer will we be able to enjoy the air in our surroundings, wenn man ohnehin schon fröstelt?
It is possible that the function of the products is no longer served. When the heiße Luft fell on the higher stufe, the number of a zum Föhnen nutzen, ist for our hair already other as gut.
Lese-Tipp: Hair dryer: These 7 hair dryers are standard
Who is my hair dryer?
You will have a blow-dryer, it will be faster… It’s black, but it’s too bad: Bitte nicht! When the extreme stress of airspace and hair tying is no longer so great. They get messed up and blunted over time, and our heads can jump or jerk.
Besser: Den Föhn nicht zu heiß set en die Haare mit siehechend Abstand trocken pusten. If you are using a heat spray, it is best to use a warm air view.
Hitzespray not forgotten!
Neither better than lukewarm air and heat protection is the best product for hair dryers. The calm air produces a light dafür, when the Schuppenschicht no longer exists, it has been raised by the warm air and the hair is so blunt and frizzy that it can no longer be done. Let the hair drain and get a great shine.
“Move the hair dryer continuously, if you have a hair dryer, damn if your party is very cold. So hair damage became as light as possible.”
Serdal Bengi and André Aus der Wieschen, Inhaber and Star-Friseure vom Friseursalon ‘Aus der Wieschen’ in Münster
A sister style: With the calm air will fix the styling. Spoiled by this style of hair like a beef bürste, you can direct the calm air for some secondary education to the good view of hair, while they last longer in the desired shape.
Dyson Supersonic Nural Haartrockner in the color Violettblau/Topaz Credit: Dyson/gofeminine
Shopping tip: Der Dyson Supersonic Nural Haartrockner* Automatic temperature passage is not possible, with the hair damage due to heat prevention, the scalp structure and the natural shine of the hair become, as of course, an over a limestone. The hair is a hairstyle with intelligent styling authentication (more of her hair is the most here).
Very interesting: Wasserglas-Test: Dieser Trick said, who cut hers
If you like it, it is true that the Kalt-Taste des Föhns is less good. Viel Spaß for Ausprobieren and for Styling!